Not a Good year for the Goodyear pimps
In what will surely go down as a sad day in punk rock history, the Goodyear Pimps have finally lost a nearly 20-year trademark battle with Man. They are now, officially, just the Pimps.
Miley Cyrus Avoids The Wrecking Ball
In an unexpected development, Jamaican reggae artist Flourgon has dropped his copyright infringement suit against Miley Cyrus, in which he had claimed she ripped off his lyrics in her 2013 hit “We Can’t Stop,” which prominently featured the phrase “We run things, things don’t run we.”
Experts ask Congress to Rein in Fraudulent Chinese Trademarks
In a hearing before the Senate Intellectual Property Subcommittee, trademark experts argued that a tidal wave of fraudulent Chinese trademark applications is stifling American business–and Congress needs to do something about it.
SCOTUS Hears Oral Arguments in Blackbeard Copyright Case
Last week, the Supreme Court heard arguments in Allen v. Cooper, seeking to answer the question of whether the Eleventh Amendment protects states from being sued for copyright infringement.
Sharon Stone Sues Over “Sharon Stoned” Tune
Remember Chanel the receptionist from Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory? Well she’s a rapper now, and appears to have learned the old adage that no press is bad press.
USPTO Ramping Up Artificial Intelligence Efforts
Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides a unique set of advantages and challenges to the USPTO. Over the past few months, the USPTO has taken steps to prepare for the rise in AI”internally and externally.