Israel Infringes Drug Patents To Fight Covid-19
Facing a drug shortage against the novel coronavirus, Israel has begun importing generic drugs that infringe on the branded drug Kaletra, an antiviral therapy developed to treat HIV.
Crackpots Apply for Coronavirus Trademarks
“Covfefe.” “Philly Special.” “Boston Strong.” “Covid Kids?”
Letter To Our Clients RE: Coronavirus
The coronavirus is having an impact all over the world. In order to ensure the safest conditions for our clients and our team, we have made the decision to suspend operation of our downtown Des Moines office for the time being.
7-Eleven Invokes The Simpsons in Trademark Suit
7-Eleven has filed suit against Quick E Mart, a mom-and-pop convenience shop in Oregon, alleging it is deliberately using a logo and signage designed to trade on the goodwill of the ubiquitous convenience store chain.
Trademark Office Clarifies U.S. Attorney Requirement
Last month the U.S. Trademark Office removed any ambiguity that may have existed with its new rule that requires foreign entities to use U.S. attorneys when working with the Trademark Office.
Not a Good year for the Goodyear pimps
In what will surely go down as a sad day in punk rock history, the Goodyear Pimps have finally lost a nearly 20-year trademark battle with Man. They are now, officially, just the Pimps.