Does Booker T Have Call of Duty on the Ropes?
Don’t expect a cage match any time soon, but Activision Blizzard Inc. is in hot water with pro wrestler Booker T. Booker T filed suit on Tuesday in federal court alleging that Activision’s “Call of Duty: Black Ops 4” “BLOPs” copied his persona, G.I. Bro.
Patent Office Facing Closure Soon, Other Offices Keeping Doors Open Longer
The USPTO has now indicated that the Patent Office will need to stop operations coming the second week of February. Although this information is a bit vague, indications from Examiner’s I have spoken with point to February 4th, which is the first day of a new bi-week.
How Is the Prolonged Shutdown Impacting Your IP?
We are drudging into week 5 of the unprecedented government shutdown. The shutdown caused a variety of issues across the country, including national park closures and TSA crippling under the financial constraints placed on employees. But what does the shutdown mean for your intellectual property?
New Patent Office Guidelines May Stifle Alice’s Reign Of Terror On What Can Be Patented
There is a ray, eh, a glimmer of hope that change is coming to how the Patent Office decides what is and is not eligible for receiving a patent. On January 7, the 2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance became effective. The guidance intends to improve clarity, consistency, and predictability at the USPTO.
Will the government shutdown affect my patent and trademark applications?
With the federal government shutdown extending into its third week, you may be wondering how it will impact your patent or trademark applications.
Patent Examiners Friend or Foe
What is a Patent Examiner? The Patent Office employs many people who have different backgrounds, experience, and roles. Most prominent in the prosecution of a patent application are patent examiners. Patent examiners are individuals who conduct an initial review of your patent application and have the authority to determine if your application meets the requirements […]